PAC hearing on Fás to go ahead tomorrow

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will go ahead with its scheduled meeting with Fás tomorrow, “regardless of the resignation…

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will go ahead with its scheduled meeting with Fás tomorrow, “regardless of the resignation of its director general” Rody Molloy, the committee chairman said.

Fine Gael TD Bernard Allen said the special meeting arranged to discuss matters arising from an audit report of the State agency would take place as planned at 10am in Leinster House.

“The PAC had been investigating the financial operations of Fas well in advance of the revelations regarding Fás expenses being revealed,” Mr Allen said in a statement.

“The PAC has already had two meetings with Fás senior management team since October and is determined to continue its work.


“However, the examples of the activities of some Fás employees brought to the public's attention in the media are also a matter of extreme concern for the PAC and doubtless these issues will also be considered at tomorrow’s meeting.”

Mr Molloy’s name still appears on the schedule of witnesses for tomorrow’s committee meeting.

He tendered his resignation to Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise Mary Coughlan late last night, following a number of days of controversy surrounding the payment of over €640,000 in expenses to himself and a number of Fás executives over a four-year period in the course of promoting a science programme.