Neurologist quits over relocation

A consultant neurologist has resigned from a board overseeing the relocation of neurology services in Belfast after claiming …

A consultant neurologist has resigned from a board overseeing the relocation of neurology services in Belfast after claiming generations of patients would be affected by inadequate facilities.

Dr Gavin McDonnell claimed managers behind planned temporary accommodation were reduced to moving around furniture in a vain effort to provide enough space for patients.

"Now we have a plan for a unit that will fail patients in almost every important aspect of their journey through the facility and for an indefinite period, potentially many years.

"Given the nature of the conditions catered for, generations of patients will be affected."


Those affected included patients with MS, motor neurone disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and many others.

Services are to be moved from Forster Green in south Belfast to a temporary centre at Musgrave Park in the west of the city.

Dr McDonnell has written to the Northern Assembly's health committee highlighting the matter, and Minister for Health Michael McGimpsey has also been informed.

It is claimed shortcomings include inadequate bed space, dining and day areas which are too small and limited room for therapy.

Dr McDonnell also said there were issues around the control of infection and management of patients with behavioural disturbance. "It is now clear that my further participation is entirely futile. I am, therefore, withdrawing from the project board."

Mr McGimpsey said he would take the criticism seriously. "I will be examining and looking at this type of statement because it is, of course, a very severe statement to make." - (PA)