Move to excuse Northern parties from naming donors

The British government has said political parties in Northern Ireland should be exempted from new laws requiring parties to register…

The British government has said political parties in Northern Ireland should be exempted from new laws requiring parties to register the source of their donations.

Junior Northern Ireland minister Mr George Howarth told the House of Commons the move was necessary to prevent the intimidation of donors, whose names and other details would otherwise be published.

"We have no intention of endangering people's security or inadvertently discouraging them from donating to political parties."

The move follows a recommendation by the Neill committee on standards in public life.


Opening debate on the Order, Mr Howarth said this was the only way to ensure "fairness and equality" for political parties in Northern Ireland, while recognising the special circumstances in which they operated.

He said the exemption would last for four years but could be revoked before then.