MEPs line up to heap praise on departing Prodi

EU COMMISSION: After five years of denigration, sniping and plotting, Mr Romano Prodi yesterday received the warmest praise …

EU COMMISSION: After five years of denigration, sniping and plotting, Mr Romano Prodi yesterday received the warmest praise from the European Parliament, with political leaders competing with each other for superlatives to describe his tenure as President of the European Commission.

Mr Prodi outlined to MEPs his Commission's achievements in overseeing the launch of the euro, this year's accession of 10 new member-states and the agreement on a new constitution for the EU.

He acknowledged a number of setbacks, including Ireland's initial rejection of the Nice Treaty, but claimed that the overall balance was good.

"The European political project needs our full commitment and it needs all our strength, conviction and courage to make it succeed. Over the last five years, that is what we have done," he said.


One after another, MEPs rose to honour Mr Prodi's wise and courageous leadership, apparently forgetting the misgivings they voiced almost daily during the past five years.

The Liberal leader, Mr Graham Watson, spoke of "a rich mandate" guided by the humanity and idealism of the departing President of the European Commission.

"All your successes show the extent to which you placed the European citizen at the heart of your concerns, so as to guarantee that citizen a better environment, flexible rules on working and a freedom of movement in an enlarged and peaceful single European community.

"You knew how to drive your agenda in a fair and inspired manner. On behalf of the European citizens we represent, I want to thank you," he said.

Mr Prodi smiled modestly in response to each new compliment but one Italian journalist expressed bewilderment at the entire spectacle.

"I'm starting to wonder if I've been watching the same film as these people for the past five years," he said.