Martin publishes booklet on flu pandemic

A guide aimed at increasing the level of awareness among Irish businesses of the need to plan for a flu pandemic was published…

A guide aimed at increasing the level of awareness among Irish businesses of the need to plan for a flu pandemic was published today by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Michael Martin.

The guide warns that during a flu pandemic absenteeism will increase for all businesses and that this could affect core services such as banking, energy and water.

The World Health Organisation has recommended governments prepare national pandemic plans.

There have been three pandemics in the last century. The worst of these was the Spanish Flu of 1918/19, which is reckoned to have killed about 50 million people worldwide.


It is likely, the booklet warns, that public transport will be disrupted both by staff absences, and by a reluctance among users to sit in an enclosed space, in close proximity with others whose health status is unknown.

Supply chains to businesses are also likely to be affected, again by staff shortages.

Mr Martin said: "If businesses in general, and small businesses in particular, are not prepared for a pandemic then there is a danger that they will lose competitiveness. I urge all business owners and managers to give serious consideration to the advice contained in the guide and to use the checklist in their business planning preparations".