Man remanded on INLA, weapon charge

A Dublin man was charged at a special sitting of the Special Criminal Court today with having a Kalashnikov assault rifle and…

A Dublin man was charged at a special sitting of the Special Criminal Court today with having a Kalashnikov assault rifle and ammunition in the city on Thursday and with membership of the INLA.

Denis Dwyer (22), a plumber, of Drumcarra Avenue, Jobstown, Tallaght, was charged with the unlawful possession of a Kalashnikov-style assault rifle and 21 rounds of .223 inch ammunition at Camden Street on Thursday.

He was also charged with membership of an unlawful organisation styling itself the Irish National Liberation Army, otherwise the INLA on the same date.

Garda Terence Gleeson, Harcourt Terrace, gave evidence of arresting Dwyer at 1.50pm today on suspicion of possession of a firearm and INLA membership.


Garda Gleeson said that it was his belief at the time that Dwyer had committed scheduled offences.

The court remanded Dwyer in custody until Wednesday when a bail application is expected to be heard.