Man injured in model train crash

A man has been taken to hospital in England after being crushed by a model train in the garden of his home.

A man has been taken to hospital in England after being crushed by a model train in the garden of his home.

West Midlands Ambulance Service was called to a property in Wilmcote near Stratford at midday after the man, who is in his seventies, became trapped under the large-scale model.

An ambulance service spokesman said: “Ambulance crews were called to a man who had reportedly been trapped by a large-scale model train in the back garden of his home.

“The man in his seventies was apparently sitting on the locomotive when it left the rails and came off a garden wall.


“The patient was trapped for almost 30 minutes as ambulance crews and firefighters worked to release him.” The patient suffered abdominal and pelvic injuries, the spokesman said.

He was airlifted to hospital.

The spokesman added: “The hospital was alerted to the serious condition of the patient.” An ambulance, a paramedic in a rapid response car and the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance attended the scene.