Man goes on trial for Kilkenny murder

A young postmaster was shot dead as he grappled with the armed robber who held up his family business with a converted air pistol…

A young postmaster was shot dead as he grappled with the armed robber who held up his family business with a converted air pistol, a murder trial heard today.

Shu Shen (25), a Chinese national, formerly of The Old Rectory, New Ross, Co Wexford, denies murdering Alan Cunniffe, who died from his injuries in December 2006

Prosecution lawyer Alex Owens SC said Mr Shen travelled by bus from Dublin to Kilkenny on the morning of December 8th with the intention of holding up a post office.

He told the Central Criminal Court Mr Shen had brought with him an air pistol altered to shoot .22 calibre bullets and a knife.


Mr Shen threatened the staff in Kilkenny's John's Green post office with the loaded firearm before making off with more than €13,000, the court heard.

Mr Cunniffe (32), whose family runs the post office and small supermarket, ran after the raider onto Wolfe Tone Street where Mr Shen pointed the gun at him.

The prosecution lawyer said Mr Cunniffe then grappled with Mr Shen before he was shot once in the abdomen. He was taken to hospital in Kilkenny where he died later.

Mr Shen was arrested the same day.