Man admits carrying out 4 rapes in one week

A RAPIST has admitted at the Central Criminal Court carrying out a series of sex attacks on six women in less than a week.

A RAPIST has admitted at the Central Criminal Court carrying out a series of sex attacks on six women in less than a week.

Michael Murray (36) had a previous conviction for rape and, according to his counsel, Mr Gregory Murphy SC, he realised he was a "danger to society".

Murray, formerly of Rollins Villas, Sallynoggin, Dublin, was remanded in custody for sentence on October 17th. He admitted attacks in the Dalkey Killiney area from September 18th to 23rd, 1995. Some of the charges also related to Rathmines and Monkstown.

He admitted 13 charges out of an original indictment of 30. He pleaded guilty to four counts of rape, two counts of aggravated sexual assault and a number of assault charges.


The assault charges refer to suffocation or strangulation of his victims to allow him to sexually assault or rape them. Murray also admitted malicious wounding, wounding with intent to maim or disfigure, and possessing a knife with intent to intimidate.

Mr Justice Morris ordered victim impact reports and a probation and psychological report.

Mr Murphy said that at the sentence hearing the Department of Justice should tell the court what treatment was planned specifically for Murray. The defendant was not unintelligent and realised he had a major problem.

Counsel said that of the 286 sex offenders in jail only 10 at any time were receiving treatment for their deviant behaviour.

Mr Justice Morris told prosecution counsel, Mr Denis Vaughan Buckley SC, that the court would want to be told not about what was desirable but what would be done for Murray.