Main points of Garda Inspectorate's report

Rank-and-file gardaí to be better equipped and trained to deal with armed situations, including written tactical and safety protocols…

Rank-and-file gardaí to be better equipped and trained to deal with armed situations, including written tactical and safety protocols.

All gardaí to be given bullet-proof vests, digital radio, and OC, or pepper, sprays.

A second-tier highly-trained response unit to be established from members of the public order unit to contain an incident pending arrival of ERU.

A panel of 30 scene commanders, with a nationwide spread, to be drawn up and given advanced training on armed siege management. These commanders would relieve each other after 12-hour shifts at sieges.


A similar panel of mental health experts and negotiators also to be established.

Specialist armoured safety and rescue vehicles to be acquired for all Garda regions and command vehicles also to be acquired.

Comprehensive protocols to be drawn up for the handling of media at sieges.