Leaving Cert helpline launched

An exam helpline will go live later this week providing help and advice to the more than 57,455 Leaving Cert students mulling…

An exam helpline will go live later this week providing help and advice to the more than 57,455 Leaving Cert students mulling over their results.

Expert guidance counsellors will be on hand to provide information on third level courses, training, the points system, rechecks and possible repeats.

Launched by the National Parents Council, anxious parents and teachers will also be able to use the service which kicks off on Wednesday, results day.

Rose Tully, National Parents Council helpline co-ordinator, said: “The Exam Helpline is an important source of information, guidance and reassurance for students and their parents at a time when they need it most.


“It can be a very anxious time for a lot of students and our experienced Guidance Counsellors can talk students through their options and help them out with any concerns or worries they may have.”

The helpline, 1800 265 165, opens from 10am to 6pm on Wednesday and will be staffed by members of the the Institute of Guidance Counsellors.

It will also be open on Thursday, Monday and Tuesday.

Meanwhile, responsible drinking group drinkaware.ie urged students not to celebrate with too much alcohol or deal with bad results by drinking too heavily.

Fionnuala Sheehan, drinkaware.ie chief executive, said: “For those students whose celebrations involve some alcohol, remember to drink responsibly on your night out.

“For students that are unhappy with their results, remember there is plenty of advice out there about what to do next. Drinking to excess in this situation will only serve to make you feel worse, not better.”

The group also gave safety tips for those 18 and over and intending to drink, including eating well, carrying ID and to drink plenty of water.