Labour criticises Ahern over recall refusal

The Labour Party today criticised the Government's refusal to recall of the Dail and consider the implications of the Supreme…

The Labour Party today criticised the Government's refusal to recall of the Dail and consider the implications of the Supreme Court judgement in the Sinnott case.

Spokesperson on Equality and Law Reform, Deputy Jan O'Sullivan, described it as a cruel and heartless snub to those with disabilities and their families.

"Under Dail Standing Orders the Taoiseach, alone, has the power to request the Ceann Comhairle to recall the Dail and he must now bear full responsibility for this cruel refusal.

"However,theTaoiseachwillfind it very difficult to sustain this position if it is clear that a majority of members of the Dail want toseearecall.Iam therefore calling onall Independent Deputies and government backbenchers to make their voices heard," she said.