July decisions on RUC reforms

The Ulster Unionists have agreed to expedite the committee stage of the Police (Northern Ireland) Bill, which means Ministers…

The Ulster Unionists have agreed to expedite the committee stage of the Police (Northern Ireland) Bill, which means Ministers will almost certainly have to decide on key aspects of RUC reform, including the title of the new service, by July 6th.

MPs had been due to debate a government timetable motion in the Commons this afternoon. However, Mr Ken Maginnis, the UUP's principal spokesman on the Bill, confirmed this would no longer be necessary following his agreement with the Minister of State, Mr Adam Ingram, that all the issues could be dealt with by the government's target date.

Mr Ingram wants the committee's deliberations ended by July 6th, to be followed by report stage during the month, before the Bill begins its passage through the House of Lords, where it is likely to face concerted opposition from Conservatives. The government intends the Lords to complete its consideration of the Bill during the "overspill" period following the summer recess and before the autumn parliamentary session.

Ministers have still to announce their final decision on key issues going to the heart of the Patten proposals, including the title of the new service and the question of emblems.