Judge to rule today on injunction in chef case

THE HIGH Court will decide this morning whether to grant the head chef at a Dublin city restaurant an injunction preventing his…

THE HIGH Court will decide this morning whether to grant the head chef at a Dublin city restaurant an injunction preventing his dismissal pending the outcome of full court proceedings.

Tom Doyle (28), Rathfarnham, Dublin, head chef at the Ely HQ restaurant at Hanover Quay, also wants orders compelling his employers to pay his salary and preventing them from filling his position until the case is fully resolved.

Mr Doyle claims he was wrongly dismissed after refusing to waive any rights in relation to recipes included in a book produced by his employers. Asilo Commercial Ltd, Wentworth, Eblana Villas, Dublin, deny any wrongdoing and claim there were a number of matters which led to the dismissal.

Having heard submissions from both sides, Mr Justice Brian McGovern said he would rule today.


Mr Doyle claims he was dismissed after refusing to sign a release form waiving any copyright over a number of recipes included in a cookbook produced by his employers. Mr Doyle claims a number of recipes are his creations.

Marcus Dowling, for Asilo, has argued Mr Doyle was dismissed due to gross misconduct. The company also had concerns in relation to the times he worked and about his reaction to menu changes.