Joe O'Reilly application struck out over lack of clarity

Joe O’Reilly’s bid to have his conviction for the murder of his wife Rachel (30) declared a miscarriage of justice has been struck…

Joe O’Reilly’s bid to have his conviction for the murder of his wife Rachel (30) declared a miscarriage of justice has been struck out over its lack of clarity and delays in progressing it. The application may be re-entered when it is ready, Mr Justice Adrian Hardiman said.

O’Reilly was jailed for life in 2007 for the murder at the Naul, Co Dublin, in October 2004. Last year O’Reilly (40) himself applied under section 2 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1993 to have his conviction declared a miscarriage of justice.

The matter was before the court yesterday after Mr Justice Hardiman had asked O’Reilly’s lawyers to give some indication of how the case is to proceed. He struck out the application and granted liberty to re-enter the matter when it was ready and when it could be shown what the case was about.