Israeli soldiers shoot and wound at least 7 Palestinians in Hebron

ISRAELI soldiers shot and wounded at least seven Palestinians yesterday during clashes with Arab demonstrators after fresh violence…

ISRAELI soldiers shot and wounded at least seven Palestinians yesterday during clashes with Arab demonstrators after fresh violence erupted in the divided West Bank town of Hebron, witnesses said.

They said about 50 Palestinian youths took part in the clashes, hurling dozens of fire-bombs and home-made stun bombs of baking soda and water at soldiers across the invisible line that divide Hebron into Israeli and PLO-controlled zones.

Soldiers fought back with rubber bullets, wounding at least seven, witnesses said.

In Jerusalem, Israel's beleaguered Prime Minister, Mr Benjamin Netanyahu, scored a political victory yesterday - he held a cabinet meeting and no one boycotted.


During the past two weeks at least one disgruntled cabinet minister had pointedly failed to show up. The successful meeting came days after Mr Netanyahu narrowly survived a parliamentary no-confidence vote.