Held in thrall by the art of Camille Souter

We gather to toast, to marvel and to applaud work by Camille Souter from the last 20 years

We gather to toast, to marvel and to applaud work by Camille Souter from the last 20 years. We even have two Patrick Murphys - at no extra charge - who attend the celebratory opening. The retrospective on view at the Model Arts and Niland Gallery in Sligo up to last week, is now in Dublin. Patrick Joseph Murphy, chairman of the Arts Council, opens the show after being introduced to us by Patrick Thomas Murphy, director of the Royal Hibernian Academy, where the work is on view. Both men are handsome, besuited, and enthralled with Souter. We all are.

The evening features a performance of a specially commissioned piece of music, For Camille. Written by Michael Holohan, the piece is sung by Melanie O'Reilly, accompanied on flute by Brian Dunning. Among those expected to sign the visitors' book are the Sligo contingent, among them ,along with two Sligo-based artists, Barrie Cooke and Sean McSweeney. The artist herself, based in Achill, is almost hidden from sight by the crowd.