Greenlanders vote for greater autonomy

Greenland voters overwhelmingly approved a plan for more autonomy from Denmark and take advantage of potential oil reserves off…

Greenland voters overwhelmingly approved a plan for more autonomy from Denmark and take advantage of potential oil reserves off the glacial island's coast, official results showed today.

The Arctic island's election commission said 76 per cent voted "yes" in the non-binding referendum yesterday on extending home rule, while 24 per cent voted "no."

The plan, which is supported by Denmark, calls for the small, mostly Inuit population to take control over the local police force, courts and coast guard and to make Greenlandic, an Inuit tongue, the official language.

It also sets new rules on how to split any future oil revenue between Greenland and Denmark.


Yesterday's referendum was seen as a key step toward independence for the semiautonomous territory, which relies on Danish subsidies to sustain its economy.

"The tears are running down my cheeks," Greenland Premier Hans Enoksen said, calling the outcome historic."

"We have said 'yes' to the right of self-determination, and with this we have accepted a great responsibility," said Enoksen, who put his fists up in the air in a sign of victory as it became clear the "yes" side would win.

The extended home rule is set to take effect on June 21, the giant island's national day.

"Our future is bright and we will work together for our country," Enoksen said.

Voters turned up at polls in 18 municipalities across the island, from the capital, Nuuk, just below the Arctic Circle to the remote northern outpost of Siorapaluk, where 24-hour darkness reigns during wintertime.

Some were dressed in traditional Greenlandic clothes, with sealskin boots and colorful knitted sweaters.

About 72 per cent of Greenland's nearly 40,000 voters turned out for the referendum, the election commission said.

The plebiscite was based on the recommendations issued earlier this year of a Danish-Greenlandic commission assigned to identify areas in which to expand home rule.

The plan gives Greenland more control over its natural resources so that it can eventually phase out an annual Danish subsidy of about 3.5 billion kroner, which accounts for two-thirds of the island's economy.

Greenlanders hope to find oil reserves off the western and southern coast of the glacial island, although exploration so far has been unsuccessful.

The plan would give Greenland the first 75 million kroner of annual oil revenue. Any income beyond that would be shared equally between Greenland and Denmark.

Greenland became a Danish colony in 1775 and remained so until 1953, when Denmark revised its constitution and made the island a province. Under the 1979 Home Rule Act, Greenland got its own parliament and government, and self-determination in health care, schools and social services.

Foreign and military affairs are controlled by Copenhagen and Denmark's Queen Margrethe is the head of state.

All of Greenland's main political groups supported more autonomy except the small opposition Democrats, who questioned whether the island can afford to take over the more than 30 new areas of responsibility outlined in the referendum.