Gardai searching for a Winter Wonderland

Thousands of people who have bought tickets for a cancelled children's show in the Curragh have been advised by gardaí to contact…

Thousands of people who have bought tickets for a cancelled children's show in the Curragh have been advised by gardaí to contact them if they fail to secure a refund.

The gardaí issued the warning after the organisers of the Winter Wonderland show, who have sold thousands of tickets upfront at €28 each, cancelled the show and have apparently disappeared.

It was due to be held at the racecourse in Co Kildare from the beginning of next month.

A Garda spokesman said they had received "one or two" complaints so far, and said they would be fully investigated.


He added, however, that in such a case, the matter may be sent to the DPP for consideration, but only if there was an indication that there has been criminal intent in withholding refunds. There was nothing to suggest this was the case at the moment.

Efforts by ireland.comto locate the organisers of the event have failed. The event website and phone contact numbers are no longer operational.

An RTÉ spokeswoman said this afternoon that the State broadcaster is owed around €30,000 by the organisers in unpaid advertising fees.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times