Gardai cast the Net in fight against crime

Crime-stopping in Ireland’s technological age takes a further step this week as a newly revamped Garda website is launched.

Crime-stopping in Ireland’s technological age takes a further step this week as a newly revamped Garda website is launched.

The redesigned website,, is intended to provide a broad overview of Garda activites, with a major focus being put on their extensive Missing Persons list.

There is also an in-depth careers section, which a Garda spokesperson said was the most often visited section of their old Internet presence.

Anti-racism measures instigated by the gardaí are also highlighted, as well as national traffic reports and the Road Safety initiatives.


Plans are afoot to include in-depth regional pages in the site, which will feature information and news from local Garda divisions around the country.

The original Garda site was launched in 1998, and has attracted an estimated 12,000 visitors per week.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times