Garda team in Beirut today for UN investigation

LEBANON: Three senior gardaí will arrive in Beirut today to begin a month-long investigation on behalf of the United Nations…

LEBANON: Three senior gardaí will arrive in Beirut today to begin a month-long investigation on behalf of the United Nations into the killing last week of the former prime minister of the Lebanon, Rafik Hariri.

The Garda team is travelling following a request to the Garda Commissioner, Mr Noel Conroy, via the Irish Government, from the UN Secretary General, Mr Koffi Annan.

The team, headed by Deputy Commissioner Peter Fitzgerald, is expected to complete its initial investigations within a month. Mr Fitzgerald is joined by Det Chief Supt Martin Donnellan and Supt Pat Leahy.

The mission is expected to be a difficult one. When it was announced by the UN at the weekend, the initial reaction of the Lebanese defence minister, Mr Abdel Rahim Mrad, was negative.


He accused Mr Annan of taking the decision to send a UN mission without consulting the Lebanese government, thereby violating the country's sovereignty.

Sources in Beirut later indicated the government had decided to unify its stance and was reserving its position until it found out what the investigators intended to do.

Deputy Commissioner Fitzgerald, from Tramore, Co Waterford, has extensive overseas experience, having served with the UN in a number of senior positions in Namibia, El Salvador, Bosnia, Kosovo and Israel.

Last year he and Assistant Commissioner Kevin Carty carried out a review of security in Iraq on behalf of the UN, following the bombing of a UN compound in Baghdad.

Chief Supt Donnellan is currently head of the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation and was the first chief superintendent in charge of the Garda National Immigration Bureau. He is one of the force's most experienced investigators.

In 1980 he was awarded a Scott Medal for bravery following an armed robbery and attempted murder of two detective gardaí in south Dublin. From Ballymore, Co Galway, he is due to be promoted later this year to the rank of assistant commissioner, the third most senior position in the force.

Supt Leahy is now in charge of the Garda Operational Support Unit, which includes the water, air support, mounted and dog units.

He has worked for the UN in Namibia, Cambodia, Bosnia and Israel. He is from Cobh, Co Cork.