Fine Gael TD's Bill would allow for elections and referendums at weekends

A new Bill proposed by a Fine Gael TD would provide for people to vote in elections and referendums on weekends.

A new Bill proposed by a Fine Gael TD would provide for people to vote in elections and referendums on weekends.

Dublin North TD Alan Farrell has published a short Bill that allows voting to take place on Saturdays and Sundays.

Mr Farrell said the change would result in schools not being disrupted during the working week (schools are often chosen as polling stations). It would also allow students and internal migrants to return to their home constituencies at weekends to cast their votes. Mr Farrell said 1,162 primary schools and 67 secondary schools were used as polling stations in the recent fiscal treaty referendum.

“Each schoolday lost to an election or referendum must be made up at another stage during the school year. Weekday polls also directly impact on the delivery of our local services.


“Many of those who man polling stations and count centres are local authority staff seconded from their work to perform electoral duties.”

Harry McGee

Harry McGee

Harry McGee is a Political Correspondent with The Irish Times