Fine Gael motion on Crumlin children's hospital defeated

THE FINE Gael private members’ motion relating to care at Crumlin children’s hospital was last night defeated by five votes in…

THE FINE Gael private members’ motion relating to care at Crumlin children’s hospital was last night defeated by five votes in the Dáil.

The Government amendment to the motion was passed in the Dáil by 72 votes to 67 when a division was called by the Opposition.

The revised motion, with the Government amendment, was passed by a larger margin of nine votes, by 71 to 62.

Earlier yesterday the controversy surrounding cutbacks of some €9 million in the hospital’s budget for this year led to heated exchanges during Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil.


Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny accused the Minister for Health Mary Harney of making an “outrageous attack” on the nurses and doctors in Crumlin.

Mr Kenny referred to Ms Harney’s contribution to the debate on Tuesday night when she said she found it strange that when some hospitals are asked to make efficiency savings, some decide that the most sensitive area was the one that must be cut first.

The Fine Gael leader challenged Taoiseach Brian Cowen to stand over Ms Harney’s comments which he said were outrageous.

“Does he agree with the Minister for Health and Children’s statement that doctors and nurses are deliberately victimising children with serious illness in the interests of saving money? If he does not agree with that statement, will he ask her to withdraw it or remove her from her position?” he said.

Mr Cowen said that there is a need to manage resources and direct them to priority areas.

He said the comments were directed not at Crumlin but generally to all voluntary hospitals.