Farmers combine in attempt to set new world record

HARVEST CHARITY: Over 400 tonnes of barley will be harvested when 300 farmers from around the country travel to Co Meath this…

HARVEST CHARITY:Over 400 tonnes of barley will be harvested when 300 farmers from around the country travel to Co Meath this weekend and attempt to set a new Guinness World Record for the most combine harvesters working simultaneously.

“They are coming from each of the 32 counties and we are hopeful of beating the current world record of 200 combines, which was set in Canada in 2010,” said spokesman Tony Brady.

They are all supporting Combines4 Charity, which was set up by 10 cereal farmers from Louth and Meath in 2009. They set the first world record that year with 184 combines and raised €300,000 for charity.

“To date we have raised more than €400,000 for the chosen charities,” Mr Brady said.


This Saturday the combines will be lined up in precise order across the 120 acres of golden winter barley. They will then set off at the same time and harvest close to 460 tonnes of the crop .

“We are cereal farmers and take everything in our stride, including the weather. We will cut this crop and hopefully raise more money for the chosen charities,” fellow organiser Michael Lawlor said.