Fallon left out in the cold

Racing : Kieren Fallon has lost his appeal in the High Court in London against a ban from riding in Britain while criminal charges…

Racing: Kieren Fallon has lost his appeal in the High Court in London against a ban from riding in Britain while criminal charges for race fixing are heard against him.

Fallon was banned by the Horseracing Regulatory Authority (HRA) on July 7th until the conclusion of his trial on allegations to defraud in a betting scam. The trial is not expected to take place until next year.

The six-time champion condemned the HRA's that, and that of their appeal board to uphold it, as unfair and unreasonable.

However, a High Court verdict has now upheld the HRA decision to prevent Fallon from riding in Britain.


Fallon, who is still licensed to ride in Ireland, misses out on partnering King George VI And Queen Elizabeth Diamond Stakes favourite Hurricane Run at Ascot on Saturday as a consequence.

A statement from Fallon's lawyers said he was "understandably disappointed" with the outcome but would not be appealing.

Justice Nigel Davis said the ban pending his trial was not "disproportionate" and that the HRA had taken into account the principle that a person was innocent until proven guilty.

The judge said the HRA's refusal to consider race videos and police interview transcripts presented by Fallon as part of his case was "justified".

He said the decision to impose the ban "could not be styled as capricious or obviously wrong" and was taken by responsible HRA panels with legal and horse racing expertise.

Barrister David Pannick, who represented Fallon, had told the judge that the decision to suspend him had "involved a false start" and should not be allowed to stand.

He argued that Fallon was innocent until proven guilty and should not be denied his right to an income.