EU army a myth, says Senator

The establishment this week of a NATO rapid reaction force has cast serious doubt on the viability of a mooted EU counterpart…

The establishment this week of a NATO rapid reaction force has cast serious doubt on the viability of a mooted EU counterpart, it was claimed last night.

EU member-states which were also in NATO did not possess enough resources to contribute to two separate reaction forces, Fianna Fáil Senator Pascal Mooney said. The emergence of the NATO force had put the EU proposals "on the long finger", he insisted.

Smaller EU members, including Belgium and Luxembourg, have publicly stated that EU plans to set up a rapid reaction force have been undermined by NATO's decision to form its own. He added: "Opponents of the Nice Treaty who constantly raise the spectre of a militarised EU dominated by NATO should be honest with the Irish people and admit the idea of a European army is a myth and a lie." He said there cannot be two forces due to the lack of military resources in Europe.