Eircom faults on the rise

The communications regulator, ComReg, has expressed concern about aspects of telecoms operator Eircom's performance as a Universal…

The communications regulator, ComReg, has expressed concern about aspects of telecoms operator Eircom's performance as a Universal Service Prover (USP), raising worries about the rising level of faults experienced by customers.

According to data from the first nine months of 2006, not only is the number of faults reported to the telecoms firm rising, but it is also taking longer to repair the problems. In the first quarter of 2006, the proportion of faults per 100 lines was 4.54 for residential customers and 1.88 for businesses. This increased to 5.8 per 100 for residential customers by the third quarter, and 2.9 per 100 for business customers.

However, ComReg is holding off taking action until the final figures for the year are in, due to be published in April.

"The data shows that while the majority of consumers are getting connected within guidelines, a number of consumers are not," said ComReg Chairman, Mike Byrne. "In addition, ComReg is concerned about the situation regarding faults - both the incidence of faults and the time required to attend to these have increased over the first nine  months of 2006."


"In order to address these concerns, ComReg will hold a public consultation, when the data for the last quarter of 2006 becomes available in April, on the question of setting binding targets for delivering aspects of the USO (Universal Service Obligations)."

Eircom is designated a USP until June 2010, and is obligated to publish figures on its performance under the USO regulations. The USO requires that Eircom provide people with a minimum set of telecommunications services