Edwards stays in nomination race

US: John Edwards is to continue with his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination despite news that his wife is now…

US:John Edwards is to continue with his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination despite news that his wife is now battling an incurable form of cancer, writes Denis Stauntonin Washington.

Elizabeth Edwards was diagnosed with breast cancer towards the end of her husband's unsuccessful vice-presidential bid in 2004 and recovered after treatment.

She said yesterday, however, that the cancer had reappeared in her rib but added that although the condition was no longer regarded as curable, it could be treated successfully.

At a joint press conference in Chapel Hill, South Carolina, Mr Edwards said his wife's illness would not affect his presidential campaign. "The campaign goes on, the campaign goes on strongly," he said.


A number of news websites reported earlier that he was preparing to withdraw from the Democratic race after he cancelled an appearance in Iowa this week. He said, however, that both he and his wife were determined to continue campaigning as before.

"From our perspective, there was no reason to stop. I don't think we seriously thought about it," he said.

Mr Edwards is, with Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, among the front-runners for the Democratic nomination and he is in the lead in Iowa, which holds the first caucus next January.

He and his wife, who have been married for 30 years, have an adult daughter, Cate, and two younger children, Emma Claire and Jack. Their son Wade (16) died in 1996 when high winds swept his four-wheel drive vehicle off a North Carolina highway.

"We've been confronted with these kind of traumas and struggles already in our life. When this happens you have a choice - you can go and cower in the corner or you can go out there and be tough," Mr Edwards said.

His rivals for the Democratic nomination joined with Bush administration officials in wishing Ms Edwards well.