Decision due in Vaudequin case

A decision is expected in the High Court today on an application by Shelbourne soccer player, Pascal Vaudequin, for an order …

A decision is expected in the High Court today on an application by Shelbourne soccer player, Pascal Vaudequin, for an order against the club and the FAI restraining them from suspending him.

Mr Vaudequin is seeking an interlocutory injunction against the FAI and Accolade Ltd, trading as the Shelbourne Football Club. Last week, he was granted a temporary injunction which restrained the FAI and his club from treating him as a suspended player.

Mr Vaudequin (30), of Lower Galliagh Road, Derry, claimed that on October 25th last he was sent off when playing for Shelbourne against Derry City.

The incident became the subject of disciplinary proceedings and he is now challenging his purported suspension which would prevent him playing eight matches.