Man who pushed boy off bicycle sentenced to 10 months in jail

Thomas McCarron reached out and pushed 13-year-old schoolboy as he was driving past

A motorist, who reached out and pushed a 13-year-old schoolboy from a bicycle as he was driving past, has been jailed for 10 months.

Thomas McCarron (22) of Killydreen, Emyvale, Co Monaghan, pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting and causing harm to Conor McKenna, the young cyclist, who was training at the time on a roadway near Emyvale village in preparation for an Ulster Championship cycling competition.

The boy's father, Richard McKenna, told Judge Denis McLoughlin at Monaghan District Court that his son was severely injured in the incident on June 23rd last year and was taken to Monaghan General Hospital and later transferred to Cavan General Hospital.

He added that McCarron had “shown no remorse for his action on the day and never apologised”.


An apology was tendered by McCarron in court for what he told the judge was “a stupid action”.

Sentencing McCarron, Judge McLoughlin also banned him from driving for five years, and directed that he make a payment of €1,000 to the boy.