Commanding officer subjected to abusive language, court martial hears

AN OFFICER in the Air Corps used abusive language to his commanding officer after being given the lowest rating in his annual…

AN OFFICER in the Air Corps used abusive language to his commanding officer after being given the lowest rating in his annual appraisal, a court martial hearing was told.

Comdt Niall (Nile) Donohoe, attached to No 5 Support Wing in the Air Corps, allegedly made the remarks to Lieut Col Gerald O’Sullivan – his commanding officer in January last year.

Comdt Donohoe has pleaded not guilty at a general court martial hearing to a charge of using threatening or insulting language to a superior.

His counsel, Fergal Kavanagh SC, told the hearing that Comdt Donohoe did not use the words as alleged by Lieut Col O’Sullivan. Instead, he had said under his breath to himself “this is very prickly” having read the AF451 appraisal form which is seen as critical to future promotion prospects in the Defence Forces


Lieut Col O’Sullivan said the incident took place at his office in Baldonnel airport on January 30th, 2009, where he was the commanding officer of the support wing. He recalled that after handing him his appraisal in his office, Comdt Donohoe read it. “He looked across the table at me, looked into my eyes and in a very direct and venomous manner referred to me as a ‘little prick’, ” Lieut Col O’Sullivan told military judge Col Tony McCourt.

Lieut Col O’Sullivan said Comdt Donohoe was only sitting four feet across from him at a table and he could state “definitely and categorically” that he heard the defendant used the words “little prick”.

He had been in the Defence Forces for 34 years and was not in the business of making up “vexatious or untrue stories”, he added.

Lieut Col O’Sullivan acknowledged under cross-examination that it was a matter of his word against that of Comdt Donohoe as there were no witnesses to the incident.

However, he said he had problems with Comdt Donohoe in the past and had ensured that Comdt Gary Gartland was next door during the appraisal.

He summoned Comdt Gartland immediately after the alleged remark was made and asked Comdt Donohoe to repeat what he said. Comdt Donohoe said he could not remember what he had said.

The hearing at McKee Barracks continues.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times