Brown admits mistake on defence spending

LONDON – British prime minister Gordon Brown said yesterday that his statements on defence spending at an inquiry into the Iraq…

LONDON – British prime minister Gordon Brown said yesterday that his statements on defence spending at an inquiry into the Iraq war had not been entirely accurate, an embarrassing moment in the run-up to a general election expected on May 6th.

Critics have accused Mr Brown of restricting funding to British forces in Iraq. But the prime minister has steadfastly responded that during Labour’s time in government – during which he was finance minister for 10 years and prime minister for the past three – defence spending rose every year.

He stuck to that line at the official Iraq war inquiry. But yesterday, asked in parliament to respond to figures published by the lower chamber that suggested defence spending had declined in real terms during some years, Mr Brown said he acknowledged that was correct. “I do accept that in one or two years defence expenditure did not rise in real terms.” He said he was writing to John Chilcot, the chairman of the Iraq Inquiry, about the issue.

The admission was a surprising one from Mr Brown who week after week has dismissed attacks from the Conservatives, backed by some former army chiefs, about his record on defence spending.


The Conservatives had a double-digit poll lead over Labour for most of last year, but have fared less well since the start of 2010. They are still ahead, but by too slim a margin to be certain of an overall majority. – (Reuters)