Big catch for schools

Angling Notes/Derek Evans: It was a real pleasure to attend the presentation of prizes to the winners of the nationwide schools…

Angling Notes/Derek Evans:It was a real pleasure to attend the presentation of prizes to the winners of the nationwide schools' Something Fishy competition at the Central Fisheries Board (CFB) headquarters in Swords last Friday week.

The reception area was packed to capacity as teachers, pupils and guests gathered for the occasion.

John O'Connor, CFB chief executive officer, said: "We wanted to get our message out there and what better way than through the schools. In this regard, I would like to dedicate today to Marian Rollins from the Blackrock Education Centre who did a fantastic job in initiating and promoting the project, and who sadly passed away last April."

The Something Fishy project is the brainchild of the CFB and Blackrock Education Centre, who together invited fifth and sixth class primary pupils across the country to explore different aspects of fish life based on a series of activity cards and produce a class project from their findings.


Dublin and Kilmacud Croks footballer Mark Vaughan was on hand to present worthy winners St Joseph's National School in Terenure, Dublin and St Joseph's National School in Sligo with their prizes; these included a substantial cheque, a microscope and "goodie bags" packed with presents. Children's pop group Little Becky and The Koolpops also donated copies of their CD, Get The Party Started, for each school to raffle.

The Sligo school intends to purchase an aquarium with its monetary prize and, after a lengthy discussion among classmates, the Terenure School has decided to donate its prize-money to a worthy charity.

While diverse in composition, the winning projects each encompassed a high standard of imagination and illustrated an extensive level of understanding and learning based on suggested guidelines from the nine double-sided activity cards. Seamus Cannon, Blackrock Education Centre director, said: "The project incorporated a number of key areas in the curriculum including English, science, art and history. It was also ironic that two St Joseph's Schools emerged as winners. After all, Joseph was a carpenter - it was Peter who was the fisherman."

There was great jubilation when it was announced the project will run again for the 2007-8 school year. The event was recorded by RTÉ and featured on Den News at Five that same evening. Something Fishy packs are available in both English and Irish and supported by an interactive website,

• Port Oma in Honshu, Japan, recently achieved a record price of $173,000 (€117,800) for a 200kg Pacific tuna. Even more impressive is the fact that the fish was caught locally from a one-man boat and one-hook handline!

• Frontiers Travel is offering two separate fishing opportunities at two outstanding sea-run brown trout destinations in Argentina in the New Year. Four rods are offered for January 18th to 25th for the Rio Grande Combination Package at Toon Ken Lodge and Villa Maria Lodge, accessing both the upper and lower river in one of the season's best weeks. The package is retailing at $3,950 (€2,690) per person.

Three rods are available at Bella Vista Lodge on the Rio Gallegos from January 19th to 26th, featuring 55 kms of private sea-run water and 20 kms of world-class spring creek fishing. This space is available for $2,900 (€1,975) per person.

For booking details, contact or

• The 20th Winter Shore Angling Festival will take place on the beaches of east Wexford from January 24th to 26th 2008, with headquarters based at SeáÓg's Complex in Kilmuckridge. The €185 entry fee includes membership for Irish residents and €145 for non-resident/overseas competitors. First prize of €500 is independent of zone prizes.

Accommodation at Seán Óg's may only be reserved through the organisers. Further details are available from Warren Doyle at 01-282 8769 (evenings) or
