Belfast fire-hit building 'too unsafe for police'

A listed building extensively damaged in the biggest fire in the centre of Belfast in years was today declared too unsafe for…

A listed building extensively damaged in the biggest fire in the centre of Belfast in years was today declared too unsafe for police to examine.

Forensic scientists had been due to comb through the burned out four storey building in Royal Avenue following yesterday's fire to determine whether the blaze was arson or the result of an accident.

However, after an initial examination police said it was decided the building needed to be reinforced before a full study was carried out.

Work is expected to be carried out over the weekend and the PSNI hope the examination can begin early next week.


More than 100 fire fighters drawn from across Northern Ireland spent more than 15 hours tackling the blaze, which led to much of the city centre being sealed off all day.

The Victorian Queen's Buildings contained a Waterstone's bookstore in which thousands of books were destroyed, a Goldsmith's jewellers and four floor of offices including the Northern Ireland bureau of the Press Association, all of which were gutted.

Conservation architects have examined the building and are to submit a report. However it is hoped the landmark building can be saved.