Banks must share load, says new Bishop of Cloyne

The banks should come to the assistance of ordinary people struggling with economic and financial difficulties, the newly ordained…

The banks should come to the assistance of ordinary people struggling with economic and financial difficulties, the newly ordained Bishop of Cloyne, Dr William Crean, urged yesterday at his ordination at St Colman’s Cathedral in Cobh.

Addressing a congregation of close to 1,000 people, Bishop Crean said there was no doubt but that a feeling of desolation had swept across Ireland as people struggled to meet the various financial demands made on them in a time of economic hardship.

“The discipline and demands of the troika weigh heavily on us . . . Is it not time that major financial institutions do more of the heavy lifting because people have already done more than their fair share,” he said to tumultuous applause.

‘Part responsible’


Speaking after his ordination of the sprawling diocese which covers much of Co Cork, Bishop Crean said the findings of a recent INTO survey showed that children were coming to school hungry and the reason for that was simply that people did not have enough money.

“I’m no economist but I have a sense that the institutions are part responsible for the burden on people and they too must carry some of the burden.” Following his ordination as 67th Bishop of Cloyne by the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown, Bishop Crean said he had chosen as his motto, “Croí le brí Nua” or heart with new vitality.

Acknowledging the ministry of his predecessor, Bishop John Magee who retired in 2010 , Bishop Crean paid tribute to Archbishop Dermot Clifford for his role in ensuring the diocese meets child protection safety standards.

“We can be confident that the best practice now prevails and will be subject to continual renewals.


“Today I renew my commitment to continue the work of healing . . . This work will take time, understanding and patience.”

Asked about the legacy he inherits after controversy over the diocese’s handling of complaints of clerical child sex abuse, Bishop Crean said he believed it would take a long time for healing to take place but that he was determined to do all he could to bring about reconciliation.

Later, supporters of Catholic priest Tony Flannery claimed an attendance of 250 at a vigil outside the papal nunciature on the Navan Road in Dublin last night. During the vigil a letter was handed into the nunciature calling for Fr Flannery, whose ministry has been restricted by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith, to be restored to full ministry.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times