All-party talks on code of conduct for TD letters

WHIPS FROM all the political parties will meet this evening to consider the introduction of a code of conduct governing reference…

WHIPS FROM all the political parties will meet this evening to consider the introduction of a code of conduct governing reference letters written by TDs and senators.

The Government yesterday confirmed that the meeting will take place this evening, chaired by Government chief whip Tom Kitt.

It stems from the controversy surrounding a reference letter written by Labour TD Kathleen Lynch on behalf of the parents of a rapist who was sentenced to 13 years in prison last Friday.

The move comes following comments from the Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, on Monday. He floated the idea of a code of conduct for TDs and senators, and added that he felt that politicians should not become involved in the judicial process.


His call received support from Labour leader Eamon Gilmore, who said he would he would be well disposed to such a move.

A Fine Gael spokesman said all the party TDs had been appraised of the need to exercise care for over a year. The party whip, Paul Kehoe, yesterday said he would also be broadly in favour of guidelines or a code of conduct.

It came as a protest took place yesterday outside the Labour Party headquarters in Dublin. The protest was organised by “a group of concerned citizens” who called on Ms Lynch to resign.

The Cork North Central Dáil deputy apologised on Sunday for writing the letter, which she accepted was not appropriate. She said she had no issue with the conviction or the sentence that was imposed.