Al-Qaeda network 'order new attacks'

US authorities suspect Osama bin Laden's inner circle may have issued new orders for attacks against Americans.

US authorities suspect Osama bin Laden's inner circle may have issued new orders for attacks against Americans.

Mr John Ashcroft

They are concerned the terrorists might strike even if they get cut off from their central command in Afghanistan.

Official sources said the terrorist alert issued yesterday by US Attorney General Mr John Ashcroft was based on intelligence involving Afghanistan and known al-Qaeda supporters elsewhere in the world, including Canada.

This intelligence suggested one of bin Laden's lieutenants in Afghanistan recently urged new attacks on Americans, they said. They declined to be more specific.


US officials have long suspected that bin Laden's top deputies, Ayman al-Zawahri and Mohammed Atef, were involved in the planning or support of the September 11th hijackings.

They cautioned, however, that US intelligence is also open to the possibility that the terrorists are aware their communications are being monitored and may be planting false information.

US officials said they are concerned the al-Qaeda network may become more decentralised in the midst of the US-led bombing in Afghanistan.

They said there are some suspicions terrorist cells already trained or financed by bin Laden's network might be willing to act without a central order from Afghanistan.