Ageing and Older People Report: Main Points

As many as 3 per cent, or 12,000, older Irish people are subjected to abuse.

As many as 3 per cent, or 12,000, older Irish people are subjected to abuse.

Forms of abuse include slapping, threatening, starvation and isolation.

Abuse occurs both in the home and in institutions.

Older people themselves are unlikely to report abuse out of shame and fear.


Inspection procedures for publicly-run institutions for older people should be introduced as a matter of priority - private nursing homes are already inspected.

Shortage of beds means that low-quality private nursing homes can continue to thrive.

A representative working party should be set up immediately within the Department of Health and Children to advise the Minister on the next steps to take to tackle the problem.

A social work service for older people and a seven-day, 24-hour community nursing service are among the measures which need to be taken.