Accord on measures to defend personal privacy

There was a need for an upgrading of the law on defamation, the acting leader of the Seanad, Mr John Dardis (PD), told the House…

There was a need for an upgrading of the law on defamation, the acting leader of the Seanad, Mr John Dardis (PD), told the House.

He said there was also probably a need for a Privacy Bill. Mr Don Lydon (FF) said he supported a debate on press invasion of privacy, as well as the call for a strong press council. Dr Maurice Hayes (Ind) said there should be a proper debate on the press. The Press Council in Britain did not seem able to correct complaints made there.

Dr Dermot Fitzpatrick (FF) said the British example was that of a toothless tiger, while Mr Brendan Ryan (Lab) said prurient prying into the private lives of people was too common. Mr Willie Farrell (FF) contended that journalism in Britain had descended to a very low ebb.