The Dodos: Carrier

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Artist: The Dodos
Genre: Pop
Label: Polyvinyl

"What is a song?" asks Meric Long at the beginning of this fifth album by San Fran guitar and drums duo The Dodos. It's an interesting question from a band whose output was starting to resemble mildly modified versions of older releases. The changes this time around are twofold: Long focused on the lyrics first, plus he opted to go electric, influenced by Women guitarist Chris Reimer's stint in the band before his tragic death in 2012. What remains is Logan Kroeber's feral drumming style and a rich melodic slant, now converted from psych folk into intricate indie rock with anthemic aspirations. Relief and Confidence epitomise the new material's grandstanding nature, whereas Death and The Ocean reveal an ever-present soft side. Contemplative yet rousing, The Dodos have never sounded more alive.
Download: Confidence, Relief, Death