Sex: The oldest sport in the world is a bit more complicated than it used to be’s Áine O’Connell sums it up.

“Not only do young people have to worry about STIs and contraception, but we’re also faced with the (sometimes uncomfortable) reality of Snapchat screenshots, texts sent to the wrong person and a whole host of other issues. For young people, the sexual revolution is here and it’s been digitised.”

However, these new problems can be handled using an old solution: respect. For yourself, to begin with. If you have sex with someone you just met for the sake of it rather than because you actually like this person, you run the risk that he or she may turn out to be a nutjob who stalks you for the rest of your time in college; or a devil- may-care who is single-handedly doubling the STI figures in your college; or trigger- happy with the smartphone and your exploits could end up on YouTube.

Surprisingly, it doesn’t usually take that long to get a handle on someone’s propensity to stalk, infect or secretly document, but you probably won’t have it figured out after one evening, so don’t let the pressure get to you.

On a more serious note, you do need to keep an eye on the health side of things. Every college in the country has a welfare office and if you have questions or concerns about contraception, STIs, pregnancy or consent, go and ask. It’s not on the reading list, but it will be on the test.


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