The Body politic

Malcolm McLaren, the creator of punk rock group The Sex Pistols, has allowed his name to go forward for the inaugural Mayoral…

Malcolm McLaren, the creator of punk rock group The Sex Pistols, has allowed his name to go forward for the inaugural Mayoral elections in London. Given the recent spate of circus tricks undertaken by the Tory Party, it seems fitting that McLaren's entry adds a comic turn to the whole serious business.

But then again maybe not. "Joke" candidates have a habit of occasionally not being very funny. Last year in Minnesota professional wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura put his name up for state election. Such was Ventura's profile and the voters' disillusionment with the other runners that he is now comfortably ensconced in the Governor's Mansion holding up two fingers to the political establishment who condemned him as a joke. Not only was "The Body" elected with record poll ratings but he is also being seriously touted as a future presidential candidate.