
"As long as you are on the treadmill doing your business as usual people leave you alone

"As long as you are on the treadmill doing your business as usual people leave you alone. But drop out of sight for a minute and the world has to have an explanation. And a note saying when exactly you'll be coming back."

- the constant media pressure.

"When you are an athlete people see you one-dimensionally, like a cardboard cut-out. They only see me running and they only hear me talking about running, but life doesn't entirely revolve around running."

- On stereotyping.


"In Australia just now there are a number of girls who have come back from pregnancy and they have been setting personal bests and doing very well."

- the effect of pregnancy on athletes.

"I wear a heart rate monitor all the time to make sure I'm not doing anything too mad and the other important factor is not to be out there when it is very hot."

- the effect of athletics on pregnancy.

"People who take drugs are a mystery to me. Having it on your conscience or in your head all the time must be hard work. I'd hate to be lining up at the start line and worrying about getting tested."

- trying to understand the cheats.