Uefa sets date for Rooney appeal

Soccer: Wayne Rooney’s appeal against the three-match ban which is threatening his Euro 2012 participation will be heard on …

Soccer:Wayne Rooney's appeal against the three-match ban which is threatening his Euro 2012 participation will be heard on December 9th. Uefa's appeals body will deal with the case of the England striker a week after the draw for the Euro 2012 tournament.

Rooney was red-carded for violent conduct in England’s last qualifier against Montenegro.

Uefa said in a statement: “The Uefa Appeals Body will deal with the case of England striker Wayne Rooney on Friday 9th December at Uefa’s headquarters in Nyon.

“This follows Uefa’s receipt on Friday 4th November of the official written appeal from the English Football Association against the three-match suspension given to Rooney by the Uefa Control and Disciplinary Body on 13th October.”