Stan keeping selection a secret

Steve Staunton intends delaying his team selection for as long as possible in a bid to prevent Wales manager John Toshack getting…

Steve Staunton intends delaying his team selection for as long as possible in a bid to prevent Wales manager John Toshack getting an upper hand on the Republic of Ireland ahead of their European qualifier at Croke Park tomorrow.

"We'd like to keep that away from John for as long as possible and not give him any time to counteract what we're trying to do," grinned the manager when asked by journalists to reveal his hand. "You'll have to wait until tomorrow."

With no late injury concerns, Staunton has a full squad to choose from.  Paul McShane and Stephen Ireland have suffered no late reaction to their respective ankle injuries and trained today at the match-venue.

Ireland - the match winner and, overall, one of the better players in San Marino - will actually start, but that was the only insight Staunton afforded into his personnel for a game already branded 'win-or-bust'.


"Everyone's fit," said the manager.  "I've got the nice headache of choosing from 23 bodies which is quite unusual as we've always had injuries in the past, but it's a nice headache to have. Of course, a few lads will have to sit in the stands disappointed, but we have another game on Wednesday night."

Injuries have influenced Staunton's past selections, but this time around he has no such worries and it will be interesting to see what he regards as his strongest team. Perhaps his most difficult selection decision comes on the left wing where the can either stand by Kevin Kilbane or introduce Reading's Stephen Hunt for his first start.

Kilbane's run of 41 consecutive competitive internationals twinned with his recent goals makes him a difficult man to dislodge.  However, he has played only a bit-part role at Wigan of late and Staunton, if hoping to get at Wales from the off, could do worse than throw Hunt, a more cunning and unpredictable player, in the mix from the outset.

Ireland, Lee Carsley and Damien Duff should complete the midfield quartet while Kevin Doyle, despite a lack of match practice having only just returned from a eight-week hamstring lay-off, can expect to partner captain Robbie Keane in attack.  Staunton, though, kept his cards close to his chest when asked about the Reading striker.

"You can do all the training in the world but if you're not playing matches it takes its toll," he said.  "But, he is looking sharp.  He scored a lot of goals prior to his injury, but so too have Andy Keogh, Shane Long and Robbie (Keane), so we're looking good."

If today's session was a reliable indicator, tomorrow's back-four could see Steve Finnan and Ian Harte deployed in the corners and Richard Dunne and John O'Shea in the centre as the quartet adopted this particular configuration during the end-of-session match.

"There were very close calls, in numerous positions," Staunton said.  "We also have six or seven lads on yellow cards, so with Wednesday in mind (against Slovakia) we might lose one or two tomorrow.  But I've gone with the strongest side that I think will win us the game tomorrow.

"The only distractions are off the field, there are no distractions within the camp.  Players are relaxed, eager and looking forward to it. . . our supporters are going to take the roof off this place and I'm sure our players will go walking out there 10ft tall, I know I would.  If they can't raise their game for that then we're all struggling, aren't we?"

Toshack has tough selection decisions of his own to make. He must chose between Danny Coyne and Darren Ward in goal, and decide whether to play five at the back or 4-4-2.

If he opts for three central defenders it suggests Wrexham's Steve Evans will play alongside James Collins and Lewin Nyatanga, with Sam Ricketts and Gareth Bale as full-backs.

In midfield Toshack is expected to go for the experienced pair of Carl Robinson and Carl Fletcher, with Simon Davies alongside them, while Ryan Giggs and Craig Bellamy will play up front. The alternative is to include teenager Joe Ledley on the left and leave out either Robinson or Fletcher.