Gallas reveals Gunners disharmony

In an attempt to deflect attention away from his captaincy at Arsenal, William Gallas has revealed a series of disputes within…

In an attempt to deflect attention away from his captaincy at Arsenal, William Gallas has revealed a series of disputes within the Gunners squad that have contributed to low morale.

The Frenchman says players need to start fighting the opposition rather than each other.

He has revealed that one player insulted him during a match, though he refused to name names.

"When, as captain, some players come up to you and talk to you about a player...complaining about him... and then during the match you speak to this player and the player in question insults us," Gallas told AP. "There comes a time where we can no longer comprehend how this can happen.


"I am trying to defend myself a bit without giving names. Otherwise I'm taking it all (the blame). It's very frustrating," he said. "I'm 31, the player is six years younger than me."

He also revealed a bust-up at half-time of the 4-4 draw with Spurs, saying: "There was a problem at halftime. The only thing that I could say at halftime was 'Guys, we resolve these problems after the match, not at halftime.'

"We have to understand that to be champions, you have to play big matches every weekend and fight. We are coming up against teams who are not scared to play football against us, who are not scared to take us on at our place, and this is becoming dangerous for Arsenal.

"We are not brave enough in battle. I think we need to be soldiers. We have to be warriors. There are teams who can do it well against us, and we have to be able to face up to these attacks."