Appeal verdicts due in match-fixing cases

A final appeals verdict is expected later today in the Italian match-fixing scandal with sources in Italy claiming the penalties…

A final appeals verdict is expected later today in the Italian match-fixing scandal with sources in Italy claiming the penalties imposed on the four clubs by sporting authorities may be reduced significantly.

The verdicts concerning Juventus, AC Milan, Lazio and Fiorentina are expected to be announced at 7pm although the more detailed reasons for the ruling will not be divulged until a later date.

In the initial ruling, Juventus were demoted to Serie B, where they would start next season with a 30-point deduction.

Fiorentina and Lazio were also relegated with, respectively, 12- and 7-point deductions.


Milan were allowed to remain in Serie A but with a 15-point deduction and a ban from European football.

Originally prosecutors had demanded that Juventus be relegated two divisions but reports in the Italian media indicate the penalties imposed on the four clubs could be reduced.

Italian sports daily La Gazzetta dello Sport predicted that Lazio could return to Serie A albeit with a points deduction.

Milan, if the reports prove well-informed, would be allowed to compete in the Uefa Cup and have their 15-point deduction cut.

The newspaper predicted on its website that Juventus would remain in Serie B but with a reduction in their 30-point penalty, while Fiorentina could remain in Serie B without a deduction or be allowed to return to Serie A with a deduction.