Pumas have no case to answer

Rugby: There will be no citings arising out of Ireland’s final autumn international against Argentina last Saturday

Rugby: There will be no citings arising out of Ireland's final autumn international against Argentina last Saturday. There had been suggestions that an incident in the 64th minute, in which Ireland's Peter O'Mahony grappled with a couple of Argentina players, could result in a citing for one of the visitors for making contact with the eye area of the Munster back row.

O’Mahony had been reluctant to draw attention to the matter in the aftermath, publicly at least, and the after reviewing the match tape citing commissioner Yann Le Dore did not feel there was a case to be made against any player.

Scarlets lock Jake Ball, however, will face a disciplinary hearing following his charge at Munster’s Niall Ronan that led to the Ireland flanker needing hospital treatment during the Rabo Pro12 match at Musgrave Park yesterday evening. Ronan went off after 36 minutes having suffered a blow to the head after Ball hurtled into a ruck near the halfway line.

Ronan, who was only returning to action tonight after a two-month absence with a groin injury, went to hospital as a precautionary measure but his condition was not serious.