Race back on track

RACING: THE 2010-11 trainee jockey course at the Race centre in Kildare has been reinstated after being cancelled earlier this…

RACING:THE 2010-11 trainee jockey course at the Race centre in Kildare has been reinstated after being cancelled earlier this month due to a review by the State training agency Fás. The new course will begin on Wednesday with a full complement of 32 pupils expected to attend.

A €350,000 grant to the course which nurtured star names such as Johnny Murtagh and Conor O’Dwyer had been withdrawn on the back of a review by Fás.

However, after consultations between Race, Fás, Horse Racing Ireland and Kildare VEC, that money is being put back in place.

“There is going to be an extensive review to help bring a degree of clarity to the programme,” said Race director Keith Rowe.