Questions and answers

Questions, and some answers, on the new rules changes

Questions, and some answers, on the new rules changes

Will the new rule on drivers be applicable to amateur, club level golfers?

Yes. The new rule will apply to all golfers, of all abilities, in all forms of play. This includes club level golfers playing in their club competitions and medals.

Can individual golf clubs decide to allow the use of non-conforming drivers via a Local Rule or Condition of Competition?


No. A committee has no power to waive a Rule of Golf (see Rule 33-1). Local Rules and Conditions of Competitions can only be introduced under the terms of Appendix I.

Is it up to the committee to ensure that I am using a driver which conforms to the new rules?

No. It is your responsibility.

Where can I find out if my driver will conform after January 1st, 2008?

The R&A has compiled and published the following lists based on the 2008 Rules: List of Conforming Driver Heads List of Non-conforming Drivers

I am a club level golfer and my driver is not included on either of the published driver lists. Does this mean that I cannot use it after January 1st, 2008?

No. As long as there is no strong evidence to suggest that your driver does not conform to the new rule, you may continue to use it (but see Q6). Examples of strong evidence would include the following examples: (i) your driver includes a marking on the head which is similar to markings only found on drivers from the same manufacturer which are on the non-conforming list.

(ii) the same model of driver is included on the non-conforming list, but in other lofts.

(iii) advertising material claims that the driver is manufactured to be contrary to the rules for 2008.

In the avoidance of any doubt, you should contact the manufacturer of the club or The R&A.

I am a low handicap golfer competing at club level, but I am also planning to enter county and national level competitions. My driver is not on either of the published lists. Can I use it after January 1st, 2008?

Using this driver in club competitions would be permissible as long as it satisfies the criteria detailed in the answer to the preceeding question.

Using the driver at county and national level would not be permitted if the committee in charge of those events had decided to introduce the Driving Club Condition as a Condition of Competition. This condition requires that the driver the player uses is included on the List of Conforming Driver Heads.

If I am a club golfer and I would like to know the conformance status of a driver not on the list, what can I do?

In the first instance, you can contact The R&A through the "contact us" section of The R&A's website ( and ask whether the driver has been submitted to them for a ruling. It may have been submitted and ruled non-conforming for another reason.

If it has never been submitted, you could contact the manufacturer and ask them to confirm that the club was manufactured to conform to the 2008 Rules. You could also request that they submit a sample of the club to one of the governing bodies (The R&A or the United States Golf Association) for a ruling. Finally, as a last resort, you could send your club to the R&A for testing. Whilst the R&A would not be able to list the model as a result of this "unofficial" submission, you would be notified as to the conformance status of the club.

Courtesy of Golfing Union of Ireland and R&A